As a journalist, I covered ten Olympic Games since 1992. Why sports? Apart from the great stories I was particularly interested in cultural history and sports policy. I wrote for Berliner Zeitung, Financial Times Germany, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, Sports Information Service, Tagesspiegel, Die Welt.
As someone working in the media and experiencing its change, the media themselves became a journalistic topic for me. In 1998, I started the media website Netzpresse, which was recommended by “WWWegweiser” of the German Journalists Association. Today, I publish Privatstrand Blog, dealing with web publishing and advocating free software (in German), and Ubuntalog, a bilingual catalog of software for Ubuntu Linux.
Since 2021, I am involved in the editorial work and co-ordination of the Journal of Olympic History, which is an interesting object because it is a scholarly publication produced with the design ambition of a popular magazine.
My first steps in journalism? On the radio for the student broadcasts of RIAS Berlin. Later on I occasionally produced reports and features for Deutschlandfunk and Deutschlandradio.